In an era where content is abundant, it’s no longer enough to create “just good” content. But how do you differentiate yourself from the competition or ensure that your content truly stands out? We have summarized the key insights and practical tips you can use to elevate your content strategy to the next level.

Start with Data

Data forms the foundation of any successful content strategy. By thoroughly analyzing social media conversations, you can gain a better understanding of what your audience cares about. This means not just tracking likes and shares, but also listening to feedback and analyzing discussions. This data helps you create content that truly resonates with your target audience.

Take our client PN Selfcare as an example. Their focus is on selling their Selfgel Kit, which allows you to easily do your nails at home and achieve salon-worthy results. When everyone fell head over heels for celebrity Hailey Bieber’s nails, they had already spotted how to recreate this look at home. Shortly after, a tutorial video on how to create this look appeared on their channel.

Analyze and Optimize Your Website

A deep analysis of your website can provide valuable insights. Identify which pages generate a lot of traffic and understand why they are popular. Is it the content, the structure, or perhaps the keywords you use? Listen to your audience, answer their questions in a blog format, or use their questions as content inspiration. By understanding why certain pages are successful, you can apply these insights to improve other parts of your website. Ultimately, extend this to a 360° strategy across all channels.

Relevance and Uniqueness are Crucial

You want to remain visible and memorable to your audience. Therefore, make sure to post content regularly. But remember: content is only king if it is valuable. Make a careful selection of what you post. Publish only content that is truly valuable, unique, and engaging. Ensure your content is easy to read and includes a strong Call to Action (CTA). This means that every post should have a clear purpose and encourage your audience to take action.

If the content you have created aligns with these pillars, check first if it compromises the quality you want to portray. If so, it is better not to post it. Better to have one less video than one bad video more.

Adjust Your Writing Style and Tone of Voice

Each audience and platform requires a specific approach. Adapt your writing style and tone of voice based on the platform you are publishing on. Use keywords in your social media captions and/or hashtags that your customers are likely to search for, as well as less common words that differentiate your brand. This not only helps with SEO but also makes your content stand out.

Take into account the different personas. Who are your target groups and how do you approach them per channel? How to best tackle this can be read in our blog post: ‘Reach the Right Audience with Our Platform Personas.’

Use Multiple Channels

Utilize all relevant channels for your brand or business, but ensure that your style and tone of voice are adapted to each specific platform. AI tools can help you transform long professional texts into short social media posts or video scripts. This not only makes your content more versatile but also more accessible to different audiences.

Build a Community

A strong community is the backbone of any successful content strategy. This can range from setting up a loyalty program to creating a forum where your audience can actively participate in discussions. Live events and webinars are excellent ways to attract new people and keep existing followers engaged. But you can also keep it simple by asking open questions/polls or organizing quizzes on your Instagram Story. Have you heard of Instagram Broadcast Channels? This is another application on Instagram to increase engagement with your followers by showing them more exclusive content through insiders or behind-the-scenes.

From Inspiration to Content Creation

On platforms like X (formerly Twitter), it’s beneficial to post multiple times a day. This increases the chances of engagement and helps you quickly identify which topics are popular. Use the winners – the posts with the most likes and comments – to create more extensive content, such as blog posts or webinars.

For short, engaging content, videos are ideal. These can be shared on platforms like LinkedIn, TikTok, and Instagram. Longer content, such as blog posts and webinars, can serve as more in-depth information sources that further engage your audience.


It’s no longer just about having good content. It has to be great. By making data-driven decisions, continuously optimizing your content strategy, and truly listening to your audience, you can create content that not only stands out but also has a lasting impact.

Curious to learn more and how to best translate this for your brand? Contact us and we’ll be happy to help you.

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