The Different Ads and Must-Have Elements for an Attractive Advertisement

Choosing the right type of ad is crucial for the success of your marketing campaign. Different ad types have unique benefits, but their effectiveness varies depending on your goals, target audience, and budget. Understanding the strengths and weaknesses of each ad type helps you not only to optimise your marketing budget but also to build a stronger relationship with your customers. Additionally, there are essential elements that make an ad more attractive, such as consistency and recognisability across all channels. Below, we’ve listed the most effective ad types, ranked from most effective to less effective.

Consistency and recognisability 

A successful advertising campaign goes beyond simply choosing the right ad type: it is essential to create consistency and recognisability across all channels. Consistency ensures that your brand message remains clear, regardless of the platform or channel you’re advertising on. By using the same colours, logos, fonts, and tone of voice, you build brand recognition, which creates trust and loyalty with your audience. When consumers repeatedly experience your brand in the same way, whether they see your ad on social media, in a video, or in an email campaign, your brand is better recognised and appreciated.

The different types of ads 

Video Ad
Video ads are currently the most powerful form of advertising because they generate high levels of engagement and allow brands to communicate complex messages in an immersive way. They offer the opportunity to integrate storytelling, which can emotionally engage the viewer with your brand or product. Videos can hold the audience’s attention and create a deeper connection with the message, but they are often expensive to produce and require a thoughtful strategy to avoid losing viewers.

  • Nice to know: Make sure to grab attention with a ‘hook’ in the first 3-5 seconds. Viewers often have a short attention span, so it’s important to engage them quickly with your message.

Collection Ad
Collection ads are an excellent choice for e-commerce businesses, as they provide a visually appealing combination of a main video or image alongside multiple product photos. Collection ads enhance the customer journey by simplifying the process: the customer sees a product they like, clicks on it, and is immediately directed to the product page on the brand’s website without having to search again. These ads not only increase brand awareness but also drive direct purchases, which is especially valuable in product-focused campaigns.

  • Nice to know: Companies using collection ads on platforms like Facebook often see a 50% or more increase in revenue with well-executed campaigns.

Lead Generation
Lead generation ads, also known as ‘leadgen ads,’ are used to collect contact information from potential customers in exchange for something of value, such as a discount code or early access. Lead generation ads help you gather valuable customer data and build a targeted email list, but their success depends on the appeal of your offer and the quality of the leads you collect.

  • Nice to know: Facebook leadgen ads have a 20% lower cost per lead compared to traditional web forms, making them a cost-effective option for businesses looking to generate leads.

Customer Acquisition
Customer acquisition works like a dynamic lookbook, where your brand becomes visible through ads on various platforms such as social media, search engines, and display networks. The goal? Attract new customers and grow your market share. Customer acquisition ads provide the opportunity to share additional information about your brand or product without a potential customer having to search for it on your website.

Flicker Ad
Flicker ads are short, fast-moving ads designed to capture the viewer’s attention within seconds. They are often used on mobile devices and social media, where users’ attention spans are short. These ads are ideal for brand awareness campaigns, where the goal is to quickly pique the user’s interest.

  • Nice to know: People spend an average of less than 2 seconds viewing ads on mobile devices, making flicker ads an effective way to quickly grab their attention.

GIF ads are animated images that continuously loop and are often used on social media due to their simplicity and fast loading times. They are particularly effective at conveying a quick, visual message without the need for complex videos. They are frequently used for branding or quickly showing a product in action. However, their use is limited to simple animations and can become repetitive if the message is shown too often.

  • Nice to know: Visual content, like GIFs, sticks better with viewers; people remember 80% of what they see, compared to only 20% of what they read and 10% of what they hear.

Carousel Ads
Carousel ads are a versatile ad format that allows multiple images or videos to be displayed within a single ad. This type of ad is particularly effective for showcasing several products, telling a story in stages, or highlighting different features of a product. Carousel ads are often used on social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram, where users can swipe through a series of visuals, increasing engagement with the ad.

  • Nice to know: Carousel ads often have higher click-through rates than standard single-image ads because they provide more space to convey your message and engage users with different visuals.


Choosing the right ad type is crucial and largely depends on your goals, target audience, and budget. Video ads are particularly effective due to their ability to tell stories and generate high engagement. Collection ads are ideal for product-focused campaigns, while lead generation ads help build valuable customer databases. Customer acquisition and flicker ads are useful for reaching new audiences and increasing brand awareness, and GIFs offer a quick way to share visual content.

Additionally, it is essential to maintain consistency across all channels. This not only enhances brand recognisability but also strengthens trust and loyalty among your audience. By continuously optimising your ad campaigns and aligning them with the needs of your audience, you can achieve the best return on investment and successfully position your brand in the market.

Would you like to brainstorm about the best approach for your ads, or would you like to use our creative services to design them? Don’t hesitate to get in touch with us!


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