The online shop for quality basics with a sporty twist. Erstwhile has grown at lightning speed since its launch in 2018, its timeless collections always emerging from a love of sport. Since 2019, we were fortunate to be able to help build Erstwhile’s continued growth. Through tactical online marketing strategy, we managed to further accelerate its growth. In 2022, it was time to take a thorough look at their email marketing strategy.


Erstwhile had built up a great email database over the years, however, in our common opinion, it was not used to get maximal results. Our objective was therefore unambiguous: maximise the turnover of the customer base. On the one hand by stimulating repeat purchases and thus increasing customer lifetime value. On the other hand, we also wanted to be more tactical with our media budget, due to the ever-increasing cost of paid media. In order to counter this, we developed the e-mail strategy in a smart way to boost conversion and to guide new customers towards their first purchase more easily.


While Erstwhile originally worked with Mailchimp, they quickly ran into the limits of the tool. That’s why we jointly made the choice to switch to a best-in-class D2C email service provider: Klaviyo.

Our email strategy was formed around 2 pillars:

  1. Making Newsletter section more profitable through tactical segmentation and revamping the designs.
  2. Building in marketing automation flows to increase CLV and convert customers faster.

The Staregy was shaped by holding an extensive workshop with the Erstwhile team. The Dot Society experts obviously have tons of email marketing expertise, but the Erstwhile team knows the customer and buying behaviour inside out, which allowed us to get the nuances right.

To optimise the design of the emails, we started with a comprehensive competitive analysis. We only merged the best of the best with the brands styleguide and look and feel, as well as keeping an eye on the design to maximise conversions.


  • +50% growth in sessions from email
  • +41% growth in turnover from email, with 78% of turnover being realised through newsletters and campaigns and 22% through automatic flows.
  • +21% growth in monthly newsletter subscribers.

In short, great results we can certainly be proud of together. Of course, we wouldn’t be true dotters as we wouldn’t fine-tune our strategy and flows month after month, after thorough analysis, in order to further maximise results ;-)

Email marketing is like any other aspect of online marketing: learning, optimising and continuously improving results.

Looking for someone to help you set-up your email marketing strategy? Wait no longer and talk to our team of experts.

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